Amanda-Louise Funeral Services - we make it easy for you to remember and leave a lasting legacy
Crematoriums in Somerset and Devon
Our directory of crematoriums nearby makes it easy to choose which one is right for you
Directory of Crematoriums Nearby
At the heart of our local community are a range of crematoriums that offer cremation services for your loved ones. As cremations are the most popular choice these days, we work closely with them arranging funerals on behalf of our clients and planning the funeral ensuring all the details are carried out. And on the day of the funeral, Amanda-Louise our funeral director will be there to provide that reassuring presence and to ensure everything goes smoothly for your funeral ceremony and proceedings.
As Amanda-Louise Funeral Services are independent, we offer you all the crematoriums giving you the flexibility of finding your perfect choice. We've listed those in our usual 50 mile radius from our funeral facilities, however, we can arrange to use crematoriums further afield if you'd prefer.
Contact us to discuss which crematorium suits your needs the most.
Crematoriums in Somerset and Devon
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Funeral services we offer
Our emotional wellbeing, support and grief counseling can give you the help and counselling you need to deal with the loss of loved one. Our focus is on helping you every step of the way providing wrap around care before, during and after the funeral.
We offer emotional support & grief counseling as part of our service