Baby Loss Awareness Week | Wave of Light Event
1 in 4 people experience pregnancy or baby loss, and many families feel isolated in their grief. Baby Loss Awareness Week is a special moment to reflect, remember and reach out. We know the pregnancy journey can be difficult and can sometimes feel hopeless, confusing and even isolating. This Charity who we are supporting, are now in their 22nd year of this wonderful opportunity to reflect and to raise awareness.
Minehead Community Event | 15 October 2024
Here at Amanda-Louise Funeral Director Services, we are inviting everyone whether they have been a client of ours or not, to our gathering on 15th October 2024 at 6.30pm for drinks and welcome for 'wave of light' at 7pm where we will be lighting up our facilities to shine brightly in honour of all those who are not with us.
We will be leaving that light shining for an hour in memory of all the babies who lit up our lives for such a short time, and we are not alone as we will be joining in this global 'wave of light' in memory.
If you havent experienced such a loss, you are welcome to join us to support us and others who are feeling alone. By doing so, it helps us raise awareness of this campaign.
If you cannot join us at our funeral home in Blenheim Road, Minehead, TA24 5PY then why not take your own photos at home lighting a candle and share your photo with us on our facebook page between 7pm-8pm UK time so we can show bereaved families, they are not alone. (Dont forget to add #BLAW and #amandalouisefuneralservices, so we can see your photos!)
Baby Loss Awareness Week 9-15 October 2024
As a modern funeral directors in Somerset, we at Amanda-Louise Funeral services, are not just here on the day of the funeral, we are committed to support everyone in their grief and we do this in several different ways.
Our passion is to break the silence in death, funerals and grief.
During this week we will be pink and blue, and our beautiful window display too, raising awareness of pregnancy and baby loss.